Spondias mombin L. (eng)

Nota de alcance

Origen: La especie crece a bajas y medianas elevaciones (0 – 1000 m), en climas secos o húmedos. Común y ampliamente distribuida en Panamá (Bocas Del Toro, Colón, Chiriquí, Coclé, Darién, Kunayala, Veraguas, Panamá y área del Canal) . Crece en bosques secundarios y pastizales en áreas secas del Pacífico.

Usos etnomédicos y modo de empleo:
La corteza en Brasil es utiliza en infusión para curar la malaria (MILLIKEN, 1997). En Colombia, el extracto acuoso caliente de la corteza, por vía oral, es usado como anticonceptivo, menstruación prolongada y abundante (GARCÍA-BARRIGA, 1975). En Cuba, la corteza es usada para el cáncer uterino, en Guinea, se aplica al cuerpo para la lepra, en México se usa par ala disentería por los Mayas (ASPREY and Thronton, 1955; VASILEVA, 1969,  AYENSUY, 1978). La decocción de la corteza se usa en Nicaragua para la fiebre, infecciones, diarrea, erupciones en la piel (COEE and ANDERSON, 1996). En Venezuela se usa para la diarrea asociada con vómitos, con varicela, la tos, dolor de estómago, lesiones en la piel, disentería(WILBERT and HAIEK, 1991). En Colombia, el extracto acuoso de la corteza seca se usa como anticonceptivo, para la uretritis, (GONZÁLEZ and SILVA, 1987; WENINGER, et al, 1986). La infusión se utiliza para infecciones vaginales, cáncer de ovario, después de un aborto (JOVEL, et al, 1996). En Nicaragua, la corteza seca junto con las hojas, en decocción, son usadas para la fiebre, infecciones, erupciones en la piel, llagas, diarrea (COE and ANDERSON, 1996). En Camerum, los frutos son utilizados para la diarrea crónica (NOUMI and YOMI, 2001), en Perú las frutas secas se usa para sanar heridas (VILLEGAS, et al, 1997), en Ecuador y Brasil, las frutas frescas son utilizadas como alimento (MACIA and BARFOD, 2000, PRANCE, G.T., 1972), en Nigeria se consideran antipirético, anti-inflamatorio y expectorante  (ADESINA, 1982).

Nota de alcance (en)


The species is autochthonous of tropical America.


The tree grows wild from Mexico to Peru and Brazil, including the West Indies. It prefers hot re- gions, but can go up as high as 1200 m. In Venezuela it is very common

Medical use

Drug. Spondias mombin L. cortex, fructus. The part of the plant that is mainly used, is the
edible fruit. However, the leaves, the bark and the root are also medically applied.

Leaf The leaves when ground emanate an odour of turpentine or mango fruits; this smell is due to the resinous content in the secretory canals. The aqueous extract of boiled leaves is used as a gargle for sore throat (infection with Candida albicans). Decoctions are applied as a bath for sores and erysipelas. The decoction as a drink is used for colds, against diarrhoea, and fever. A decoction is also applied to clean wounds. A bath even helps against gout.

Bark. The bark is used by the indigenous people of the Amazon against metrorrhagia and poly menorrhoea (excessive bleeding during menstruation); to cure these diseases, the bark is put into boiling water; women drink it when the preparation is cool; a cupful taken daily has contraceptive effects. A decoction is also taken for muscular pain, stomach pain, diarrhoea, nephritis and to cleanse wounds. The bark is rich in tannins and secretes a whitish viscid liquid or 'gum'. This cures burns and favours wound healing.

Root. Roots and leaves are applied to cure fever, and colds, or to clean wounds.

Fruits. The fruits locally applied, cure inflammations of the knees. The macerated fruit taken in water is a vomitive. The fruit contains only a small amount of resin, as compared with the leaf and the bark.

Seeds are applied after child birth.

Healing properties

Astringent, antiseptic, vulnerary.

Chemical contents

The active principles in the plant are tannins and resins. A detailed chemical analysis of the species has however not yet been presented.


Uses: wound healing, diahrrea                                                 

Origin: Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Caribbean, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Gabon, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Suriname, United States, Venezuela  


Root: Infusion for dysentery.

Stem: Bark used in a gonorrhoea remedy in Surinam. As an antidiarrhoeic and to remedy stomachache; infusion is sudorific, used to alleviate fatigue.

Stem and Leaf: Decoction for eyewash. Bark use to treat coughs and colds, hemorrhage, and sores in NW Guyana.

Leaf: Decoction for diarrhoea and dysentery; Leaves used in treatment of diarrhoea, hemorrhage, and sores in NW Guyana.
Toxicity: abortifacient

Fruit: As a mild laxative; stewed and eaten to cure diarrhoea.

Flower: Infusion for mouth sores.


Fevers: Leaf infusion poured over  head & body



Folk medicinal uses

Beckwith says that the buds are chewed and the juice swallowed or they are boiled for tea in the treatment of colds. while Barham mentioned an infusion of bark and leaves for oedema. In Africa the bark, leaves, and fruit are used medicinally in cases of coughs, fever, constipation, yaws. gonorrhoea, tapeworms. children's stomach troubles. and as tea and lotion in childbirth.




Folk medicinal uses

According to one informant the leaves of this species and the red-coat plum (S. Purpurea) are boiled together to make a cold remedy.


Nota bibliográfica (en)

1) South American medicinal plants : botany, remedial properties, and general use / I. Roth, H. Lindorf. Berlin ; New York : Springer, c2002. -- p. 492.

2) Geraldini , Isanete, Journal of Ethnopharmacology v. 173, 2015 . -- p. 383-423

3) Robertt, A., et al.. Medicinal Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Suriname, French Guyana)/Smithsonian NMNH. cited online: 17-08-2017

4) Milliken, William; Albert, Bruce. Economic Botany, vol 50, no 1, 1995, p. -- 10 - 25.

5) Gupta, Mahabir P.; Santana, Ana Isabel; Espinosa, Alex/ Plantas medicinales de Panamá. sd: sd. - p. sd.

6) Asprey, G.F.; Phyllis Thornton/ Medicinal plants of Jamaica. Parts I & II. – p. 4.

7) Asprey, G.F; Phylis Thornton/ Medicinal plants of Jamaica. Parts III & IV. – p. 48.


Spondias mombin L. (eng)

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